
(forthcoming) 又-生 Born-Again, illustrated poetry book with Survivors Art Anchoring Narrative Garden (SAANG)
(forthcoming) “On Mourning and Solidarities,” positions: asia critique.
Sticky Rice Dumplings for Palestine Fundraiser Toolkit, in Angry Asian Feminists Unite! A zine curated by AngryAsianWomxn
每一条街上的风 The winds on every street; and 表姨 Auntie, in Rage, Struggle, Freedom: Politics of Hope and Love, Scholar & Feminist Online
“qiào bā,” in Burning Language: New and Queer Chinese Voices, The Common: China Folio edited by Cleo Qian
“Artist in Residence,” “Uneaten,” and “Where are the Springs Buried” in Tupelo Quarterly issue 32.
“Womb,” and “Liquid Heart”, Undying Springs: Translated Chinese Queer Feminist Community Poetry, Apogee Literary Journal issue 19.
“As We Sit in A Circle on the Grass: Translated Community Poetry with Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective”, fran yu and huiyin zhou, Massachusetts Review, Special issue: WOMAN (poetry, translation)
“Chinese Queer Feminist Poetic Intimacies: A Translation Play.” Cha: An Asian Literary Journal. (poetry, translation)
Ciba Punch: Collective Poetry Zine, Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective (poetry, zine)