We can do this only in community!
As a 100% volunteer-based grassroots group, we rely on the support and donations from our community members and allies to sustain our work. Your donation will directly go into compensating for the labor of organizers, events and programming, and CAO Collective’s future projects. You can follow us on Instagram (@caocollective) to receive event updates, and we welcome you to DM us or email us at caocollective@gmail.com.
🌱Your donations will help us...
买画笔&文具🎨 Buy color pens & papers
做陶艺🍶 Play with clay & ceramics
做陶艺🍶 Play with clay & ceramics
做饭做社群🥟 Make food, art and community
建网站🌐 Build & sustain our website
建网站🌐 Build & sustain our website
租器材📹 Rent gears, spaces and other equipment
启动新展览✨ Activate new projects
启动新展览✨ Activate new projects
...and more!🌱
Ways to Support Us:
1. Donate

CAO Collective currently ONLY receive payment by Venmo. If you’d like to donate to us in other means, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email (caocollective@gmail.com) or Instagram DM (@caocollective).
2. Subscribe to our Newsletter

By joining our mailing list, you will get monthly updates of event recaps, upcoming programs, and community news and opportunities. Subscribe to stay in touch, and share it with friends, and help us connect with potential members and supporters of our work and community.